What is Healing Light?

Healing Light is love.  It is divine.  It is an extension of our Creator and is here to help us on our healing journeys.  We work only with our Highest Self.  You may call this God, or Source, or the Universe.  It is the essence of who we are.

When we call in the Healing Light to help us in our healing, we know that we are asking only for the vibration of unconditional love.  It is here to assist all of us for the highest and best of all.

This light shines on the darkness we are carrying within.  It gently guides us to raise our awareness to unresolved traumas and stuck emotions that keep us going in circles.

This light sometimes brings messages to us from your highest self to deliver.  It may also move us to work with sound, crystals, or the elements.

Every session is unique, but they all start with the purpose of offering what is highest and best for you.

If you have a question you are seeking an answer for, or confusion that you desire to clear up, Healing Light can help.

It helps with physical, mental, and emotional pains by offering immediate relief and it helps to raise awareness to the root cause of this dis-ease so you may correct it and restore your health to full.

Healing Light is Available to All

Loriel and Arcturus have explored many healing modalities and techniques.  Each of them led back to the same awareness…that we all have what we need inside of us already.

There are no attunements, degrees, or certifications required to use the Healing Light.  It does take time and practice, as with all things, to master working with it.

If you are called to find out more, book a FREE Getting to the Root healing session with us.

3 Healing Session Package - $555

Join Loriel & Arcturus for 3 deep healing sessions over a 1 month period.  Each session is on Zoom and lasts 90 minutes or more if spirit calls for it.

  • Session 1:  Healing from the Ground Up
    • Identify energy, emotional, mental, and physical blockages
    • Work from the root chakra up to the throat
    • Clear stuck energies
  • Session 2:  Inner Child Healing
    • Focus on the biggest block you are currently experiencing
    • Heal the hidden trauma
    • Use this process to work through any blocks that come up
  • Session 3:  Connect with Highest Self
    • Quiet the mind
    • Ask Questions
    • Listen to what self is communicating to you now

Loriel & Arcturus are available for 2-on-1 healing sessions via Zoom.  We hold the space for the healing and you bring the topic and questions you desire to dive into.  Enjoy the calming energy being sent in the comfort of your own space.  These sessions are $222 and you can book by clicking here.  

6 Month Healing Intensive

Join Loriel & Arcturus for a 6 month intensive journey to gain the confidence and knowledge to heal any physical, emotional, mental, or behavioral dis-ease you may experience.  Join us for 12 sessions that explore the root causes and use the tools to let them go and tap into the divine wisdom to replace it with what is highest and best for all. 

This program includes access to the Healing Accountability Group that meets weekly on Zoom and work closely with your accountability partner to help each other stay on track.  Healing can be done alone but it is so much more effective and fun when we do it together.  We create a safe place to express your true self and help you identify the 1 aspect that is holding you back the most and what you can do to change it.

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