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Welcome to Healing Light

Soul Family Healing Community

Working on Aligning Our Minds & Bodies with Spirit so We Can Take CONTROL of Our Journeys

Loriel & Arcturus winter on Oklahoma

We are your hosts, Loriel and Arcturus, and we are thrilled that you are here.

We are on a mission to create a space for the world to heal.  This includes gridwork as we are called to different areas where the earth’s energies have been imbalanced.  We have been called to work with the land and the traumas endured by our ancestors to help them heal and to regain the wisdom they share for all of us to prosper.

Each day involves work on aligning our own minds and bodies with spirit.  The healing space we have created allows us to feel safe with each other as we are open to seeing where we are misaligned so we can bring in more light.

Now we expand this safe healing space to everyone in the Healing Light Community.  We are excited to walk part of the journey with you. 

Our CLEAR Values: Community Love Empowerment Authenticity Responsibility

Having CLEAR Values is embodying the values you choose to live by.  It is aligning your choices with your highest guidance.

Community – Recognizing the power of connection, trust, and support with gratitude

Love – The creative force that enables a space of forgiveness, kindness, and compassion

Empowerment – Honoring everyone as an equal and recognizing their greatness

Authenticity – Sharing your unique vision with openness, vulnerability, and truth

Responsibility – Holding yourself accountable to do the best you can in every moment, and having the courage to acknowledge when you are out of integrity so you can make amends

We Go Farther Together Than We Go Alone

Do you resonate with these values?  Would you love to have meaningful relationships and and interactions that help everyone involved grow and become more aligned with their true self?

YES?!  Then we would love to have you over for a visit.  We share our healing experience through email and let you know of events we are participating in that you may be interested in joining.

Subscribe Now

We love holding space and getting to know each and every one of you. Join us on a group healing call we host each week or schedule a private illumination call when you are ready.

We offer individual sessions with either or both of us as well as healing sessions for couples and groups.  Each week we host a free group healing and community building.  All off these are done on Zoom.  Click the button below to get the details on these offers.

Our Community is getting Life-changing results!

Grid Work and Land Healing

Did you know that Loriel and Arcturus also work with the energetic grids of our Divine Mother Earth and do land healing when we are called to?  We have recently done healing on the Trail of Tears, Joplin, Missouri for the 2011 tornado, and Florida after Hurricane Ian.  When the locations are too distant we offer the healing remotely and have been sending energy healing for Maui and Canada and other areas impacted by fires and natural and man-made disasters.

If you feel called to help with our cause we are most grateful for anything you are able to donate.  You may do so at the button below.

Thank you.  May it come back to you amplified infinite times.

Ready to Align Your Mind & Body with Spirit so You Can Take CONTROL of Your Journey?

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