What Is The Use Of DMSO?

woman experiencing back pain while working at her deskI’m excited to share with you the amazing compound that is Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). As a byproduct of the paper-making process, this colorless liquid has emerged as a compound of significant utility in diverse domains, from medical treatments to industrial applications. In this article, we journey through the multifaceted uses of DMSO, its discovery, and potential as we underscore the essence of continued research and ethical considerations in its applications. Please note that this is for educational purposes only and not medical advise.

Introduction to DMSO: A Compound of Many Talents

In the vast tableau of chemical compounds that have marked their significance across various sectors, Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) stands out as a substance with a particularly diverse set of capabilities. This simple byproduct of wood pulp processing has managed to weave its way through the medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial worlds with its unique properties. Understanding DMSO and its applications offers insight into how a single compound can possess such multifaceted talents, prompting interest from both scientific and medical communities.

Defining DMSO and Its Unique Chemical Characteristics

DMSO is a colorless liquidDMSO is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH₃)₂SO. It is a colorless liquid that is known for its unique ability to penetrate biological membranes. As a high-boiling liquid (189°C), DMSO is polar, aprotic, and features high thermal and chemical stability. Chemically speaking, DMSO’s ability to dissolve a vast range of organic and inorganic compounds cements its place as a solvent par excellence in the lab.

What sets DMSO apart is not just its solvent properties but also its biological actions. It can act as an anti-inflammatory agent, an analgesic, and a cryoprotectant, amongst others. This portfolio of effects is not often found within a single molecular entity, thus bestowing DMSO with a rarity that is intriguing to both the scientist and the clinician.

Historical Context and Discovery of DMSO’s Uses

The journey of DMSO from a mere industrial solvent to a medically-relevant compound is one that strikes chords of both fascination and complexity. Discovered in 1866 by the Russian scientist Alexander Zaytsev, it wasn’t until the 20th century that DMSO’s broader applications were recognized.

Initially utilized as a solvent, DMSO’s debut in the medical field was serendipitous when its ability to preserve organs for transplants was observed in the 1960s. Following this breakthrough, experimentation with DMSO expanded exponentially. Research revealed its potential as a topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, which steered it towards applications in pain relief and the treatment of muscular disorders.

Alternative Healthcare Uses

DMSO should be stored in a glass bottleMore recently, we have seen DMSO being used in alternative healing. The popular book, Healing with DMSO by Amandha Vollmer, offers many alternative uses for this amazing compound. It is said to be anti-inflammatory, an effective pain killer, and inhibit bacterial growth. She sites many studies done with DMSO and its healing properties. It is also an excellent heavy metal detoxifier as it binds to aluminum, mercury, nickel, and more and eliminates them through urine or sweating.

DMSO is said to help with more than 300 ailments, including: burns, acne, arthritis, strokes, head trauma, sprains, strains, toothache, headache, hemorrhoids, spinal cord injuries, scar tissue, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, congestive heart failure, cancer, aids, colds sores, it improves eyesight, macular degeneration, blocked sinuses, sinus infection, gum disease, tooth decay, varicose veins, cataracts – the list goes on.

Self-study is important when it comes to using DMSO as it can cause strong reactions, especially if dosed improperly. Healing requires detoxification and if the liver and kidneys are full of toxins, your body may not be able to eliminate all of the toxins that have been pushed out of your cells. This is known as a Herxheimer reaction, or healing crisis, and if done properly does not have to be something you experience.

You don’t see it used often in traditional medicine, because as a naturally occurring compound, it is not patentable. It has been approved by the FDA to be used for interstitial cystitis, but none of the other uses mentioned in this article. These are testimonies from people who have reported the benefits they have received from using it. This includes Loriel and I as we have used it for pain relief and detoxification.

We are happy that we looked into this and many other alternative remedies as we were both failed by traditional medicine. Compounds like DMSO and colloidal silver have helped our bodies heal as we have been working on healing the root causes for all that dis-eases us. The root cause requires identifying and removing limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas and is something we found very difficult to do while dealing with physical pain.

If you are interested in discovering and letting go of any root causes you may be holding onto, schedule a free call with us. We are certain that the value you receive from this call can be life-changing and raise your awareness to underlying issues so you can now choose to do something about them.


DMSO persists as a compound of many talents, a cornerstone in therapeutic and investigative ventures. It shows a lot of promise in the area of healing, but requires caution and taking the time to gain the knowledge for proper, successful use. As such, it is something that we will continue to use to help us on our healing journey.

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2 Responses

  1. DMSO seems very interesting, especially as you have presented it in this article as a compound with many positive and beneficial uses. I have heard of DMSO before but not enough about it. I certainly never knew that it was a byproduct of the paper-making process.
    How interesting is it that a science that was probably viewed as a waste product became something widely experimented on to find that it has many different effects?
    I appreciate your honesty that despite the many uses that DMSO can have for people, self-study is still important because one person’s reaction to DMSO might be different from another.

    1. It is very interesting that it was discovered as a waste product, but it’s also interesting to note that it does occur naturally as part of the earth’s sulfur cycle.

      DMSO is not a product to use for healthcare without properly educating yourself. Knowing proper dosing is vital as what conditions may indicate not to use it, such as having silicone implants, current botox injections, or on or near tattoos.

      Thank you for reading.

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