This isn’t going to be your typical write-up about what energy healing is. If you are looking for a textbook definition, you aren’t going to find that here. Instead, I am going to offer experience of what I know about energy healing. The language I desire to use is plain English so that everyone reading this can easily comprehend what it is.
When you search “what is energy healing?” you are going to get a myriad of different answers back. I feel this is a disservice to people as it masks the full potential that can be received from energy healing.
So, what is energy healing? When you look inside an atom, you begin to see that everything is energy. Our bodies, being made of atoms, is no different. The word energy is most often used in science and describes various forms such as kinetic, potential, nuclear, etc. It is also commonly applied to the spiritual healing arts, though it may not be the most accurate word to describe what it is.
I sense that what is being referred to is the unseen fifth element, often referred to as ether or spirit. It is what connects all of the other elements and our experiences on this world. This concept is talked about in many cultures, such as chi and prana. It is divine intelligence and provides us with all that we ask for. It is vital to note that most of what we ask for is stored in our subconscious mind, so it is not enough to simply ask aloud or with your conscious thoughts. This is a big topic and we are going to circle around to this later on.
The other half of the phrase is healing. This means to take something that is out of balance and bring it back into harmony. Again I refer back to the elements. Earth, representing our bodies, gets sick or injured when an imbalance happens. It is designed to heal on its own, but we can push it beyond its capacity with the damage we constantly inflict on it.
The same is true with air which correlates to our mind. We store false beliefs in our subconscious early in our lives that work against us, such as low self-esteem or worth. Healing is about identifying this disharmony and replacing it with the truth. You do deserve an amazing life.
Water describes our emotional being. Guilt, shame, and anger carry discordant vibrations, whereas joy and peace feel harmonious. The last element, fire, is associated with our actions and behaviors. Do you care for your body to the best of your ability or do you sabotage it?
Energy healing, then, is simply aligning all of the elements of our experience with the divine. It is easier to say than it is to do because those subconscious beliefs are driving your choices beyond your awareness. When we offer energy healing for self, each other, or clients, we ask for these imbalances to be brought to our awareness. I am going to illustrate a simple way to practice energy healing for your own benefit.
Energy Healing for Self
I prefer to do this lying down and it is a practice I do nearly every day. The first thing to do is set the intention for the energy healing session. This most often comes in the form of a question. There may have been an emotional moment earlier in the day, so I ask to become aware of the belief that triggered the emotion. I also ask for the healing light to help balance my thoughts, emotions, actions, and physical health.
You can set this intention either aloud or in your mind, then let it go and listen. Bring your focus to your breath. Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose, filling your lungs, throat, and sinuses with oxygen. Exhale mental and emotional energies along with the unused air. See your body filling with light with each inhale, and cleaning all of your cells to get rid of the energetic waste with your exhale.
Now, rub your hands together quickly to prime them for healing and place them wherever you feel guided. Most often this is going to be the place on your body where you sense the physical pain or emotional unease. Continue to breathe deeply and allow any thoughts that come into your field to drift on.
Listening for the answer is not a process of your thinking mind. It is delivered through the ether and received by your body as a feeling. It takes practice to discern what the feeling means, though when you get it you also discover what you have always known. The more you do this, the easier it becomes.
Ultimately, you are responsible for your healing as no one else can do it for you. It was not your fault that your subconscious was programmed the way it was, but you do have the power to correct it. It might be easy to look for a quick fix or relief, but you know deep down that coping doesn’t heal the root causes. It might bring relief to the symptoms, which is a great thing, but doesn’t turn off the underlying subconscious beliefs.
This is essentially taking off the filters that skew your perception of reality. You may recognize these false beliefs by a different term: the matrix. Alignment with the divine brings abundance for all. The limiting beliefs that comprise the matrix create imbalances where many take more than they give while others give much more than they receive.
When you begin with this practice, give yourself grace. It takes consistency and effort to master the art of healing. You wouldn’t expect to show up for your first karate lesson and be handed a black belt, would you?
The guidance is there as long as you are quieting the thoughts and listening to your feelings – not to be confused with emotions. Feelings are the subtle sensations your body picks up as communication from the divine through the ether. This is something you can do on your own, and you can also supplement it by practicing and asking for help from someone who has mastered or is mastering the art of healing.
If it interests you to practice alongside others on the same journey, you are welcome to join our weekly energy healing hangout, on Saturdays at 11 am Central. You can sign up by clicking on this link. We are happy to share our experiences with healing with you, and invite you to ask questions about practicing energy healing and what’s coming up for you. Next, we are going to look at the benefits and potential drawbacks to energy healing.
What to Expect from Energy Healing
Energy healing is not a one-time fix-everything solution. I view it more like exercise than anything else as it gets the energy moving. Energy centers can get stagnant and when I feel this happening I ask for the energy to remove any blockages, allowing the energy to flow.
There are many stories to be found online about how energy healing has impacted their lives. These are some of the benefits I’ve received from practicing healing daily for the past 8 years.
- higher energy levels
- higher pain threshold
- improved sleep quality
- improved clair abilities
- its much easier to be present in the moment
- crushed kidney stones that were causing pain
- became aware of subconscious beliefs and let them go
- lessened depression and anxiety to rarely experienced
- received downloads and insight about projects I am creating
It has been an amazing journey, but the thing that excites me the most is knowing that this is available to everyone who would choose to receive it. The most powerful sensation I receive from energy healing is the feeling of unconditional love. It is a oneness that radiates pure love through my being for every brother and sister experiencing this crazy thing we call life.
What you receive is going to be directly related with what you are afraid to let go of. I get we experienced some pretty traumatic things, but keeping them in a locked box in our memory vault doesn’t prevent it from influencing our experience. Do you recall when I mentioned that what we ask for from the universe is always given and this ask includes everything we believe in our subconscious about who we are and what we deserve?
Traumatic events like this help to anchor a limiting belief. It is usually associated with a strong, painful emotion that when it is triggered we do whatever we can to cope with that emotion. This can show up as an addiction to food, drugs, or alcohol. It might be working or staying busy so you don’t have to address it. Even though you never consciously think about it, these unresolved issues are influencing your behavior. The only way to change this pattern is to go in and heal them. For that, I recommend inner child healing and forgiveness.
Energy healing can help restore balance within your being. I always feel great after a healing session. It supports the body to repair itself and remove toxins. It calms emotions and eases the mind. It can help you see decisions clearly, but if it is a struggle to follow through when it comes time to act then there is a deeper layer to look into and heal.
Energy healing can be done on self and it can also be performed on others. I find that other healers are able to see some things we are blind to and can be a great support for our healing. Let’s take a look at the different modalities that you may come across when you are looking into energy healing.
The Many Modalities of Energy Healing
Energy healing encompasses a broad spectrum of holistic practices that are believed to enhance the flow and balance of energy within the body. Here are some commonly recognized modalities:
- Reiki: A Japanese technique where practitioners channel universal energy through their hands to the recipient, with the aim of promoting relaxation, healing, and stress reduction.
- Acupuncture: An ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to balance the flow of Qi (energy) through meridian pathways, thought to influence health and wellbeing.
- Qigong: A combination of meditative and physically active exercises from traditional Chinese medicine that is designed to help manipulate and balance the flow of Qi.
- Reflexology: A therapy that applies pressure to areas on the feet, hands, or ears, which is thought to correspond with organs and systems of the body, aiming to bring about relaxation and healing.
- Theta Healing: An energy healing modality that involves entering a theta brainwave state through meditation, promoting physical, psychological, and spiritual healing.
- Pranic Healing: An approach to energy healing that involves scanning the body for imbalances and cleansing the aura of diseased energy before energizing it with life force or ‘prana’.
- Shamanic Healing: Ancient healing tradition based on a holistic approach where the practitioner reaches altered states of consciousness to interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into the physical world for healing.
- Crystal Healing: Utilizes stones and crystals, which are placed on or around the body or within the energy fields to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
- Healing Touch: A nursing-based practice that uses touch to influence the human energy system, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal.
- Bach Flower Remedies: Uses solutions made from distilled plants and flowers mixed with water, with the belief that these can alleviate negative emotions, which may aid healing on the physical level.
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Often known as tapping, combines elements of cognitive psychology and acupressure to address emotional and physical pain.
- Chakra Balancing: Focuses on the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body, using various techniques to ensure they are functioning correctly and in harmony.
The underlying principle of these modalities is that the body is capable of healing itself provided that energy is allowed to flow freely. Loriel and I have been certified in multiple energy healing modalities. We no longer use any of them as we received divine guidance that symbols, attunements, chants, spells, mudras, etc. are not necessary. We already have everything we need to heal.
Healing Light
We came to know this as healing light, a spectrum of the divine specifically for healing. It is available to all who ask for it. Sometimes we experience it as a cool or warm sensation. Other times it may feel electrical. We have seen it as a shiny white, slow-moving liquid when visualizing it cleansing our bodies.
Because it is available to everyone we are not going to hide the technique behind a paywall. This is why I shared the technique we used in the earlier section about energy healing for self. It really is simple, but it does take practice to improve the results you get from it.
One of the best places to practice is the Saturday calls we offer at 11 am Central. This gives everyone the chance to practice sending to self and each other. You can ask for help with any issue you would like help with and ask questions about energy healing.
I hope this not only helped you comprehend what energy healing is and how it can benefit you, but also inspired you to get started in using it for your own healing. If you have questions about the technique, feel free to ask it in the comments or join us for a healing hangout this weekend.
2 Responses
Hello, thank you for your article on energy healing. It is not an entirely new topic to me, as I have heard of the concept through many of the cultures that you described in the article, such as chi. I have also heard of and experienced some of the energy healing modalities you mentioned, such as Qigong, acupuncture, crystal healing, and the healing touch. Do you regularly use any of the energy healing modalities you mentioned?
You mentioned that practicing energy healing over the past eight years has yielded many positive results. I wanted to know more about what brought you to energy healing.
Hi. Thank you for reading and for your questions. Of the modalities mentioned, the only one we use currently is Healing Light. We also maintain our physical health through diet, exercise, hydration, and breathing exercises, and our mental and emotional well-being through inner child healing. While we were each certified in multiple modalities, we received guidance from Spirit that we don’t need any of those and to just use what we have already been given.
The answer to what brought us to energy healing deserves a whole post of its own that we shall publish soon.