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6 Month Healing Intensive

Energy Healing for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

“Give a hungry man a fish, and he is goign to be hungry again tomorrow.  Teach a hungry man how to fish and you feed him for life.”

This goal of this program is aligned with the old proverb.  It is our intention and purpose to guide you to have the confidence in knowing that you can heal any dis-ease that troubles you.

The healing that we guide you to do for you is what we use every day and have been for many years now.  Our commitment to you is to create the space for you to heal, ask questions, and listen to self so you receive the best guidance for you.  This program is a combination of 12 private healing sessions with us and weekly group accountability calls.

Your commitment is to show up and participate in each session and weekly call and even more importantly to take the daily actions that you identify to be the highest and best for you to take.  It took time to develop the habits you currently have and it is going to take time to let them go and bring in new ones.

A Look At What Is Included

During the 6 months you meet with Loriel & Arcturus for12 private sessions, each with a specific purpose with a week or 2 in between sessions.

  1.  Healing From the Ground Up – we work with your root, sacral, solar, heart, and throat chakras to identify fears and blockages in these areas.
  2.  Inner Child Healing – working with your current biggest issue we guide you to when you first experienced this and through the process to heal this wound.
  3.  Connect with Highest Self – the true you is always communicating; this session is to help you listen to what is being said.
  4.  Deep Root Chakra Cleansing – focus in on what causes you to seem unsafe and not grounded on your journey.
  5.  Deep Sacral Chakra Cleansing – focus in on creativity and emotional blocks that are holding you back.
  6.  Deep Solar Plexus Chakra Cleansing – focus in on the doing; which behaviors are working for you and which ones are working against you.
  7.  Deep Heart Chakra Cleansing – focus in on the center of your being; is the love and care you have aligned with your highest and best?
  8.  Deep Throat Chakra Cleansing – focus in on your voice and what you express; do you speak authentically or do you filter it?
  9.  Check-in – take a look at where you are at currently and how far you’ve come
  10.  Know Thyself – who are you?
  11.  Highest Vision – where are you going?
  12.  Putting It All Together – healing as a lifestyle

Meet weekly on Zoom with kindred spirits on a healing journey.  We create a space to authentically share our experiences and ask questions about our healing journey.  Identify your top priority you desire help with accountability and work with an accountability partner throughout the week.

Things are going to come up when we are dedicated to our healing journey.  We are available to answer questions you have along the way and respond as quickly as we can (rarely longer than a day).

We share energy healing tools that we have discovered on our journey as well as sharing insights that we download specifically for you when they come through.  We also have worksheets to help the process that are shared once we begin.

Ready To Get Started?

We are grateful for the gift of healing that we have received and done for us and we are excited to share these gifts with you.  We do our best to honor our commitment to you and exceed all of your expectations.

For a limited time we are offering this program for $2,497, an amazing offer for this program valued at $4,326.

Assuming you have met all of the prerequisites to join this program:

Join the program and pay with the registration link below.

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