Imagine being in control of your choices…even when emotions are triggered and you are being pressured.

This is just one of the superpowers you cultivate when you practice mindfulness.  It also helps with clarity, focus, creativity, sleep, and so much more.

Why wouldn’t you desire to have this?

It does take consistency and persistency to develop because our minds have been bombarded with information that distracts us from the here and now.

That is the purpose of this challenge:  to be consistent and persistent in our efforts to remove these distractions and remain mindful of the present moment.

“It has been life-changing for me and I’m sure it will be for you as well.”

Do These Sound Familiar?

You eat fast while scrolling social media and rarely enjoy your food.

You often lose track of time when lost in thoughts of the past or future.

You procrastinate important tasks, responsibilities, and decisions.

You can't go to the bathroom without your phone.

Up To 95%

of decision-making takes place in the subconscious mind.

Being present can help raise your awareness to these subconscious influences so you can make different choices.

What is the Be Present Challenge?

It’s simple, really.  The challenge is to be present for an hour each day.  That’s it!  There’s no specific length for the challenge because the purpose is to be more mindful…

…for the rest of your life!

An hour a day may seem daunting at first.  That’s ok.  At first you are going to be discovering what your goal should be at the beginning.  Maybe it is 10 minutes to start.

This challenge is meant to bring more peace and calm into your experience, so it’s not about adding an extra hour of meditating, yoga, or breathing exercises into your already full schedule.  Instead, identify the simple habits and activities you do every day and bring mindfulness to them.  Remove distractions, like your smart phone, and focus on what you are doing.

Be present with your food while you cook and eat.  Observe your body while you shower and brush your teeth.  Go for a walk and pay attention to the surroundings.

No Cost to Join

While there is no monetary cost to join the challenge, it does require an effort on your part.  This includes being more mindful than you have been throughout your day and checking in with the community.

You will only get out of this challenge what you put into it, so participation is key.

There are premium memberships and resources available, but the challenge will always be no cost.

How Do I Join the Community?

When you sign up here for the challenge, you will receive an email with the links for the communities. 

You have the option of participating in either the Facebook group, Telegram chat, or both.

In the groups you will see daily reminders to check in, as well as prompts for mindful journaling and tips on remaining present.

The emails will come less often, but will still bring you valuable infomation and encouragement to help you on your journey.

What Are the Rules of the Community?

The rules are also going to be simple and straightforward. 

Be kind to each other, always looking for common ground instead of trite differences.

No spam or off topic conversations.

This can be a great place to meet like-minded souls to develop meaningful relationships and help each other be accountable for the challenge.  

It’s much easier to navigate this life with teammates than to do it alone.

Are There Any Resources Available?


As we mentioned earlier, this challenge is meant to help with peace and calm, so instead of adding an hour extra to your schedule it is better to bring mindulness into activities you are already doing. 

To help you get started with ideas of ways to bring more mindfulness into your daily life, Loriel and I wrote a book listing out 100 different ways you can do this.  You can get that book by clicking here.

We are also planning on including premier membership communities that include points, prizes, and easy tracking for you to see your progress.  That will be sent out in email and updated in the groups when those are ready.

If you are ready to do some deep healing, we do offer small groups that show you how to use energy healing and do the shadow work to get to the root causes, let them go, and bring in the energies that serve you.  You can find out more about that here.

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